About Me

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I am a PGA Member Professional and I have been in this area for over seventeen years, the last twelve as a Bonita Springs resident. I pride myself on being a leader rather than a follower. I am passionate about the golf industry and always want others to enjoy the game that I love so much. It's time we introduce this game to more and maintain it for those who have played it for a lifetime.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What's on your mind? Today's golfer.

The X Generation has seen a lot of changes in the way they operate in their daily lives.  Twenty five years ago the computer on your desk was a glorified word processor and not much else.  Cell phones were the size of a yule log and required a battery pack.  The Y Generation thinks these were ridiculous inconveniences.  They grew up with lap tops getting smaller and smaller and smart phones with all the conveniences of the internet, phone, texting, Tweeting, etc. in the palm of their hand.  Entertainment is more and more electronic in nature as well.  And how has golf changed during the same period?

More and more golf courses were built each with the owner's or designer's ego as the seemingly first priority.  Most of these courses are not suited for the average player or the beginner in any way and most cater only to those who can afford the price tag. 

Today we see rounds of golf shrinking and more golf courses closing than opening.  Are we responsible for this dilemma?  Of course we are.  Why are people leaving the game?  It's still just as, if not more time consuming, costly, and increasingly more difficult due to course design.  The game is screaming for a change.  Most are saying it needs to be easier, faster, more enjoyable and welcoming to the beginner.  All this playing into the hands of the X and Y Generations - the future of our game.  It seems the issue is starting to reach a fever pitch as there are all sorts of suggestions being made.  Whatever it is will require some to think outside the box of that which has brought us to where we are today - sinking!

What will it be?  What will bring new players to the game in the Bonita Springs area?  What will satisfy our aging population at the same time?  Tell me what you have on your mind.  I need your input!    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree courses shouldn't be so tough. I'm tired of spending a small fortune on the green fee only to spend another $10 in golf balls every time I play. It would be nice to be able to get around a course without having to look for balls all the time because of the water and bushes.