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I am a PGA Member Professional and I have been in this area for over seventeen years, the last twelve as a Bonita Springs resident. I pride myself on being a leader rather than a follower. I am passionate about the golf industry and always want others to enjoy the game that I love so much. It's time we introduce this game to more and maintain it for those who have played it for a lifetime.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What's on your mind?....Golf is difficult.

Golf is a difficult game for those who don't play it, much less for those who do.  What makes it so difficult?  How do we make it easier for the beginner to average player?  And how do we change the experience to help the person considering the game for the first time that it's not too difficult?


Anonymous said...

Too many golf courses are built for good players and those who hit the ball a long way. We don't all hit it a long way, nor do we hit it that accurately! We're not all tour players! It would be great to have a golf course that is easier for those of us that aren't so good at this game. Less expensive is always appreciated too!

Anonymous said...

anything that can make it more fun too! I like the idea of larger holes. Also maybe like a short course? 40-75 yard holes with half sized greens? would only need 3 clubs

DingPGA said...

Was thinking much larger greens with larger holes for the beginner and a standard hold else where on the same green for a more advanced player. Two could be playing at one time if there is a mix of skills within a group! Spread the word. Input is key!

Joe CoWhick said...

PGA Pro, inventor, idea person says:
two to four holes on a green would speed up play. One wide tee on par four, five and short par 3 allows everyone to tee off faster like a driving range and keep costs down. To keep costs down let the short hitters advance their drives x number of yards before hitting their second shots rather than having five sets of tees. It is a tradition to post a sign on the first tee or the score card which says "play USGA rules". Rather promote the fact there are also social rules, such as; ready golf play. We do not need bigger balls to make golf easier. Higher balls are needed. In other words social golfers should use a tee on every full swing and some short ones. Once a year on the PGA tour the wives play and the husbands caddy. The pro's have been known to even tee up their wife's ball in the sand. I have many more ideas to save money, improve golf, and speed up play. I worked in five PGA sections at ten private and public courses.
Joe the Pro