About Me

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I am a PGA Member Professional and I have been in this area for over seventeen years, the last twelve as a Bonita Springs resident. I pride myself on being a leader rather than a follower. I am passionate about the golf industry and always want others to enjoy the game that I love so much. It's time we introduce this game to more and maintain it for those who have played it for a lifetime.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's on your mind? Public golf playable again?

Take a look at the following article.  Recently posted on the USGA website and elsewhere by now.

Do you agree with it?  Public golf is where the game is learned and played.  70% of the public rounds are played on golf courses with a median green fee of $28.  Of course this may not include the cart because public golf north of me doesn't require a cart and many people like to walk.

As Mr. Phelps suggests the industry got awfully excited about building private-like public golf out there for a premium.  Courses popped up everywhere because owners thought they were all going to make money.  If you build it, maybe they won't come.  Enter the recession.

Today that just doesn't really fit the industry.  Sorry to say it but few, if any, of these courses bring people to the game.  If they do that beginner is likely faced scratching their heads and wondering why golfers put themselves through this torture.  The courses were built for the existing population.  That existing population is waning.

Why would someone desire to try something torturous for recreation?  Yes, being new to the scene and not having practiced skills is part of the equation here but so is the playing field.  Why are Little League ball parks smaller than adult ball parks?  Why are softball fields smaller for females than males?  Why are soccer goals smaller for junior soccer games?  Basketball rims lower for younger players?  Adaptations are made relative to their size, experience and abilities.  So too must golf.  A forward tee at 5,000 yards doesn't suit beginner youth and ladies and it surely is intimidating for new adult men for other reasons.

Other sports adapt to provide for more activity.  Recreational centers have half-court basketball leagues.  Twice as many can play on the same court.  Seven-man football is getting more popular.  Indoor soccer plays on a much smaller pitch yet still resembles soccer.

What are we considering with golf?  Tee It Forward addresses shortening existing golf courses if just for a trial period.  We need to soften features for both maintenance time and expense but also for the enjoyment of newer or lesser skilled players.  They all have an interest and they all have discretionary dollars to spend, as do I.  I however don't care to part with my discretionary dollars for things like torture.  At least offer shorter, easier, more fun alternatives to that which we are struggling with today in our industry.

Throw in some feedback.  If I get at least ten comments I'll give away some cool swag!


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